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STU v Bratislave, Vazovova 5, 81243 Bratislava,

The safe decommissioning of former nuclear facilities is an industrial activity that is expected to grow worldwide, creating technological challenges along with new career opportunities. It encompasses all technical and management actions associated with ceasing operation of the installation and its subsequent dismantling to remove it from regulatory control, aiming at delivering an environmentally friendly end-product, in line with the 'circular economy', as promoted by the EU.

In this respect, we are pleased to announce that the Online Summer School on Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management will be held from 6 to 10 September 2021, see attached flyer.

The JRC-Ispra Summer School is addressed to students with a graduate degree pursuing a master in the area of engineering, science and technology, who have not yet a professional activity and want to profit from their holidays' time to enrich their curriculum in an area that offers new technological challenges. If you are interested, please fill-in the application form attached to the invitation and mail it with copy of your student card to Daniela Santopolo:

Your application will be reviewed and you will receive as a next step a confirmation and detailed logistic information. The course is limited to 100 participants.

Deadline for applications is 15 July.


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