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STU v Bratislave, Vazovova 5, 81243 Bratislava,

WRG Europe is looking for graduates and postgraduates to work with on two opportunities associated with funding secured through the European Commission.

The first position is a fully funded PhD studentship as part of the FoodTraNet Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network. FoodTraNet is designed to address research challenges associated with food safety, sustainability, and security; our PhD project targets issues around consumer awareness and perceptions in this context. All of the details can be found on the project website ( as well as links to PhD opportunities with our FoodTraNet partners.

The second position we are looking to fill is for a paid internship to help support us in delivery of a large scale dissemination activity for the European Commission funded TOSYNFUEL demonstration action. As part of this activity we will be running a European wide tour in a car fuelled with biofuels produced through the project, and our intern will be involved in the planning of this activity and potentially delivery depending on tour dates and availability. Our ideal intern would have a background in marketing or event planning and speak multiple European languages. See our company website for further details

I’d also like to introduce our support services for Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship applications. Our support (across a growing number of universities and research institutes across Europe) is always extremely popular for this funding scheme. We hold a significantly higher success rate than the average and the majority of the applicants we work with achieve at least the Seal of Excellence. We provide both one to one support and workshops tailored to groups of applicants. Our one to one support involves an intensive process of iterative feedback and optimisation as applicants prepare their proposal. The result of this process is a completed application that clearly and comprehensively targets the evaluation criteria. Our workshops are delivered remotely and guide applicants through the template explaining how to address every section of the application. Given the popularity of our support activities please get in touch early if you are interested in these services. More information can be found at

If you are interested, have a potential applicant or have any questions in respect of our services, please do not hesitate to get in touch at


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